Friday, July 01, 2005


"The Ohio Repository" (Canton, Ohio), 27 June 1828, page 3:

At a meeting of the committee of Arrangement, for celebrating the 4th of July, 1828, in Stark county, the following was agreed on as the arrangements for the day:

1. At sunrise, a national Salute of 24 guns will be fired at Canton.

2. It is expected that the day will be celebrated by every citizen who chooses to attend--and Citizens and Strangers are generally invited to partake freely and without cost, of a Cold Dinner, which will be provided by each furnishing as a free will offering, something for the purpose.

3. Every person who feels disposed to assist, is respectfully invited to bring to the ground (cooked and ready for the table) such refreshments either to eat or drink, as they may wish to give, to render the day pleasant and agreeable to all.

4. No distinction will be made between those who give and those who do not; but all who attend will have an equal right to partake of what may be furnished.
5. It is expected dinner will be ready by 1 o'clock, P.M.

6. Soldiers of the Revolution are particularly invited to attend--they will be our most honored guests, and the committee will spare no pains to make the day agreeable to them.

7. The Declaration of Independence will be read at 10 o'clock, at the Court House, by Wm. Raynolds.

8. An oration will then be delivered by Wm. Fogle, Jr.

9. Capt. Dunbar's Infantry, and all other volunteer Companies in the county, are respectfully invited to attend.

9.[sic] Col. Geo. Cribs, col. Adam Fogle, mr. John Buckius and Dr. H. Stidger, are appointed Marshals of the day, and will be respected as such.

10. George Dunbar and Samuel Coulter, Esqrs. are appointed Presidents of the day.

GEO. H. CAKE, Chairman

Of the committee of Arrangement


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