Thursday, February 17, 2005

error correction

from my email:-

Hi Hugh

I also am cross (that's the polite word!!) that Ancestry take such a bloody long time to fix corrections. They seem to be hell bent on getting new stuff out without tidying up their many errors in the info there so far. One thing that does annoy me is that you can only tell them easily about the name being wrong, without reporting it on the message board.

And yet......they have made so many errors in other categories too. The Somalia one is a classic, very relative to me as I have Somerset ancestors........and I also have found a father of 6 kids who has been trabscribed as age 5 !!!!! When it is clearly 50.
Surely they know which area they are transcribing?
So how can FULHAM become FALHAM???!!
Why is there no automatic correction when it's typed on wrongly by the transcriber? I could go on......and usually do LOL !!!

However a bit of good news from another website.....

Did you know that the 1861 is now searchable on 1837online. At the m' it's only the counties of London, Middx, Kent and Surrey (but its a start) In my first evening of looking I found one rellie whose surname had been missed off completely (not diff to read on image?) only found him by his, and his son's, unusual christian name of Heyward. I clicked on to tell them and within 20 mins I had received an email to say it had been corrected and the 3 units I had paid to look it up had been recredited to my account-result!!!

And at 11-30 at night too.

I did one the next day where I had to search by christian name, age and job, as my rellie did not appear. I found RAPKIN had been misread as REPKIN - again I notified them and this time it was corrected within 5 mins!!!!

Oh.. that Ancestry could get their arse into gear within even a week would be so good!!!!!

Anyway keep up the good work of telling Mr Brown what's wrong and just may be they'll get it sorted one day (pigs might fly!)

All the best


in all fairness, much more is right than wrong on this enormous site,
and some of the recent mistakes I have found were made in 1871 not by Ancestry.
People living in Provo Utah USA can hardly be expected to know all about the UK any more than I know anything about place names over there !
BYU - Brigham Young University is one of the worlds leading universities for computer studies too.


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